Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Marketing Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Marketing Decision Making - Essay Example Promotion is considered as one of the major elements of marketing mix and it possesses its own mix of communication tools. Advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion among others are some of the elements of IMC, these tools enable a company to implement its advertising and marketing objectives constructively through a coordinated approach. This paper seeks to discuss the basic elements of communication mix putting more emphasis on their pros and cons and how they influence an organizations ability to succeed in their marketing program. It will provide an overview of a promotional product that I created and how I intend to market it using the IMC approach. The rational that I will follow in choosing or rejecting specific elements of the integrated marketing mix will also be provided (Mossman, 2007). Advertising is any paid form of promotions that does not employ active participation of personal presentation to promote ideas, goods, or services through the use of a specific sponsor . Advertising uses a number of channels which include the print media, media broadcast through radios and television, outdoor advertising and other forms of non personal selling. Advertising is a promotional strategy that maintains the omnipresence nature of an organization by increasing its non personal availability to different people. Advertising is highly flexible as it allows a business to focus on a small and precise segment or a mass market depending on the intention of the advertising model. It is also highly cost effective as compared to other elements of market mix as it reaches a large number of target consumers at a lower cost per person (Chen, 2011). With advertising, the message is repeated severally to the consumers which allow them time to compare the product with others offered with other organizations. Dramatization captures the attention of the audience and creates a lasting impression on their minds, a feature that is only possible with advertising. Advertising c an also trigger quick sale and impulse buying among consumers which improves the impacts intended by the promotional strategy employed. However, advertising also have a number of disadvantages as compared to the other available elements of market mix. Feedback is an important aspect of promotion as it enables a business to repackage their product according to the consumer’s desires. Advertising has no room for any immediate feedback from consumers and is less persuasive when compared with the other elements of communication mix (Lichtenthal and Eliaz, 2003). Personal selling is a face to face interaction between the product promoter and the prospective consumers for the sole purpose of making presentation, answering any questions that may arise and finally procuring orders from the consumers. Personal selling is one of the most powerful elements of communication mix as they provide room for building customer relationship and long lasting business relations with the buyers. It provides the room for getting feedbacks from the consumers which allows for any adjustments on the products being marketed. Personal selling occurs in an environment where the consumers attention is fully captured increasing the possibility of getting a genuine response from them on how they view the products and the company. Despite the numerous advantages that personal selling posses, it is however an expensive means of product promotion

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